BLU DELTA API is a HTTPS REST API that uses latest AI to extract relevant information out of semi-structured documents. PNG, JPG, TIF and PDF are uploaded via a POST request and a structured JSON is returned.

The json response includes:

  • Structured data with name, value, type, bounding box and score information (score resembles confidence of ai)

  • Optional: OCR result in a structured for

  • Optional: OCR as text only

  • Optional: Deskewed PDF with embedded layers that highlight found values

Current Major Version: V1.18.x

We recommend you to read our API policies before final integration into your product or service.

Get Started

  1. Get a free access key here
  2. Get BLUDELTA API OpenAPI description:
    For C# we highly recommend to use nswag to generate clients, for other languages you can use e.g. swagger
  3. Integrate generated library code into your project

API Policies

This section describes basic API principles:

  • By default AI is trained for correctness first. Thus, AI rather returns empty result than a wrong value
  • AI understands document and delivers facts what is ON the document, but does not make assumptions e.g. on invoice there is 0% and region outside EU then it does not assume it is VAT exempted; only if explicitly VAT exemption is on doc it will be returned
  • Versioning: x.y.z
    • x: Groundbreaking architecture/functional change
    • y: API breaking change leads to impl. effort on your side
    • z: added prediction fields, minor technical, functional changes, bug fixes, maintenance releases
  • Backward compatible: New version deliveries are seamless for Cloud customers and by default backward compatible. New major features (change version in y) needs a dev update in case you need this new feature
  • Cloud API: Most deployments are without downtime, if service window needed we announce it usually 2 weeks ahead

Supported Regions and Languages:

  • Within the EU:
    • DE, AT, ES, FR, IT, PL, CZ, SK, NO, HR, PT, SE
  • Outside the EU:
    • UK, NZ, AU, MX, ZA, CH, NO, AE, TR,AR, BR

Your desired country is not listed? Our portfolio is constantly expanding.
Simply inquire!

OpenAPI Specification

Latest OpenAPI specification


System Requirements

Operations Manual

Release information resembles Cloud API release notes.

Previous Versions