Accantum (one of our DMS partners for SMEs) uses BLU DELTA AI to capture structured information from documents to automate processes. By combining BLU DELTA AI and DMS, a customer can automate the invoicing process or use structured data for the organisation via e-file overnight and without any effort.

Automatisierter Rechnungsworkflow

SME Partner: [accantum]

  • Document Management System / Enterprise Content Management

  • Hundreds of businesses

  • High volume


  • Seamless integration

  • Reduction of manual tasks for Accantum customers

  • Easy and immediate onboarding of new customers through AI and Cloud

Accantum GmbH offers its customers various document and workflow management software (WMS) as well as cloud services. In order to make the products offered more efficiently, especially in the areas of accounting and invoicing Accantum has integrated the BLU DELTA AI from Blumatix into its invoicing workflow.

Improved workflow with automated invoice capture

The decisive advantage for Accantum’s customers is that they can completely automate the processing of invoices by accounting or invoicing with a single tool, namely the Accantum WMS. And, so to speak, overnight.

Since the seamless integration of the Blumatix BLU DELTA AI, the proportion of documents that can be automatically captured by the WMS has increased significantly. Accantum’s customers now only have to enter documents manually in exceptional cases, which not only saves time, but also minimises potential errors.

This is how the invoicing workflow with Accantum, which is automated by the BLU DELTA AI, works

The Accantum Workflow Management System automatically transfers invoices that meet certain criteria to the AI document identifier. The AI then automatically reads out the required invoice data and transfers it back to the WMS in machine-readable form. In the next step, the invoice data is compared with the order or master data stored in the system.

accantum UI

Austria’s largest design company uses Accantum’s WMS and has decided to integrate the BLU DELTA AI document recognition into document management in the course of the introduction of digital invoice verification. This brings inestimable added value to the business: The automated processing of invoices in Accantum’s WMS and furthermore all the excellent recognition rates of the AI reduce the manual work effort to a minimum. This reduces errors and saves time.

accantum automated invoicing workflow

In detail, the workflow looks like this:

  • Accantum’s software captures and analyses all incoming invoices. Those, for which there is a template, are processed directly by the capture, all other documents are forwarded to Blumatix for further analysis by the AI.
  • The incoming documents, whether in PDF or image format, are then analysed by the BLU DELTA AI. In the case of incoming documents with good image quality, our artificial intelligence is able to read out the relevant information such as the name, address and VAT number of the supplier as well as the price to be paid and convert it into a machine-readable form. This data is then transferred back to Accantum, where it is processed and prepared in the DMS.

Many benefits of integrating artificial intelligence into your invoice workflow

The above example illustrates the value of automated invoice recognition using artificial intelligence. Templates and other rules-based solutions only work according to a specific scheme, which you may need to manually adjust frequently and are often only possible with difficulty. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, offers the decisive advantage that it learns with every processed invoice and is able to “search” the document for the information it is looking for.

This means that you only have to check the data you read out at the end and your manual work effort is reduced to an absolute minimum. In many cases, automated invoice processing only becomes really efficient through the integration of an AI such as BLU DELTA from Blumatix.

Does that sound interesting to you too? Then get in touch!